Sunday, July 30, 2017

I love my produsage project!

I am not trying to brag, but I am really proud of the project that I created. The reason that I am so excited is that I think it could really be useful for classroom teachers. I first introduced my project idea in a blog post one week ago. Since then, I have seen the project through to completion.

My original idea is essentially what I created. The lesson plan is titled, Pre-Requisite Review with Storify and Kahoot!, and is a multi-day group project. Students use Storify to create a review and Kahoot! to create a quiz for a given pre-requisite topic. It is a three-day lesson plan with three distinct yet connected activities. On the first day, the project is introduced to the students and they create their Storify review. The second day, students finalize their reviews on Storify and create their quizzes on Kahoot!. The final day, students play through each of the Kahoot! quizzes created by the class. The lesson plan is written generically so that it can be modified for use in any subject area. 

The plan includes four additional resources: Project Introduction (PowerPoint presentation), Student Facilitation Guide (Word document), Project Rubric (Word document), and Project Reflection (Word document). All of these documents are located in a folder on Edmodo in my Produsage group. I also created a sample project to demonstrate what students will create. Both the Storify review and the Kahoot! quiz are posted as links in the Edmodo group. (You request to the join group at

If you are not interested in seeing all of the documents but would like to see work samples you can click the links below. 

Storify Review:

Kahoot! Quiz:

Let me know what you think.

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