Friday, August 4, 2017

Reflections on my Web 2.0 Journey

I began this blog 6 weeks ago as part of a course on Web 2.0. My first post invited you all to come along and adventure with me. And I have enjoyed your comments and company along the way. I hope you enjoyed reading about my discoveries and my reflections of my experiences. Perhaps you even learned something too. So to wrap up this segment of my Web 2.0 adventures, I thought I would share some final thoughts.

First, my mind is still on the verge of explosion due to the sheer volume of information I have digested in the past weeks. I cannot believe how little I knew and how much knowing could change my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but the new realms of possibilities that have been opened to me, deserve some drama. I feel a little like a proselytizer; I want to shout about the merits of the new tools I have found from the highest mountain.

Second, I still have so much to learn. I know I have barely scratched the surface of what is out there. and how it can be used. Not only are there social media tools that were introduced in the class that I have not yet investigated, but there are ones external to the course materials still to discover.

Third, I have begun to invest energy, thought, and time into building and refining my personal learning network (PLN). Before this course, I did not really know what a PLN was, let alone that I had one. It is definitely an exciting new endeavor.

As I this course comes to an end, I know my journey into the land of Web 2.0 has truly just begun. I will continue to use this blog as my travel diary, documenting new discoveries and reflections.

See you at the next checkpoint!

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