Friday, July 14, 2017

Teens and Social Media (Part 3): "Facebook is for old..der people, like people over 26."

I am not sure where that puts you, but I am definitely in the Facebook age range. The title is a quote from my niece's (previously mentioned) best friend when she, my niece and I were all having a conversation about social media at my 40th birthday dinner last week. It was a comment nestled in a conversation about which social media platforms they used and for what purposes. Both stated that they used Instagram and Snapchat. Put in my own words, they used Snapchat like I use text messaging, to connect with their friends. They used Instagram like I use Facebook, to share cool stuff (links, pictures, videos) with their friends. They also use both tools occasionally to meet new people. However, they confirmed what the articles I have been reading tout; in general, the people they connect with using these tools are people they know in-person.  Their online communications are extensions of in-person relationships. And these online interactions are just as important, if not more important, to the health of their relationships than in-person interactions. When I asked about their thoughts on Facebook, well, you already know that response.

While I never imagined I would spend my 40th birthday talking to teenagers about social media, the conversation was very informative and has sparked ongoing dialogue with my niece. I also received a crash course on Snapchat at dinner that night. Unfortunately, I retained very little. So a week later (the next time my niece and I spent time together), I received my second Snapchat lesson. I enjoyed watching and listening to her explain the different features and settings. I have been her math tutor her whole life, so it was fun to switch roles. She showed me about memories, stories, friends, filters, and more I am sure. It looks fun and exciting. And I want to jump right in, but I am not sure how. What snap do I send and to who? It seems weird to send a snap to someone, who I have never snapped (can it be used like that?) before.

How about you? How do you Snapchat?


  1. What a fun story! It's amazing to me how quickly getting outdated happens now. Personally, I just can't get into Snapchat. I've tried it multiple times. It doesn't grab me. Of course, if I'm being honest with myself, I have to be open to the idea that that may have a lot to do with my age. Yikes! I love that you were able to let your niece teach you. I think that adults miss out on a lot when we don't allow children to teach us. In my opinion, they have just as much to offer in the way of instruction as any adult does. Maybe I'll try Snapchat again sometime, maybe I won't, and maybe by the time I get around to trying it again (like in the next few months) something new will have already supplanted it. It's the new world order. Lol!

  2. I love that you are doing this research, as it is an interest of mine. I actually really like Snapchat. One way I use it is to communicate with my sisters. I have an Android, so we can't connect via FaceTime (and I'm not really a fan of Skype). So, we "video text" each other using Snapchat. We all have crazy schedules, so I can ask one of them a question and then get the reply when she is available :) Plus, I can actually see what they are doing, rather than just hearing about it.
